Stephanie Schneider

Software Engineer. Crazy cat lady. Triathlete. Beer enthusiast.

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Install dev environment (Grails, Ruby, Sass, etc.)

This is tailored to my current project which is a Grails app using a few other tools like Ruby, RVM, Sass, Compass, and Groovy.

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install default-jdk
  3. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
  4. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin
  5. cd /usr/lib/
  6. sudo wget
  7. sudo unzip apache-ant-1.8.4-bin.tar.gz
  8. export ANT_HOME=/usr/lib/apache-ant-1.8.4
  9. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin
  10. cd
  11. curl -s | bash
  12. gvm install grails 2.3.7
  13. gvm install groovy 1.8.8
  14. sudo apt-get install ruby
  15. export RUBY_HOME=/usr/lib/ruby
  16. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/ruby/bin
  17. gem install sass --version 3.1.3
  18. gem install compass --version 0.11.7
  19. sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

And that should be it. That’s the basic setup for the current architechture that we’re...

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Saving your login information for Git

I hate having to put in my password every time I want to push/pull from git so I like to work around it and save it in my keyring. You should have already installed Git (it’s one of the first things I do, outlined here.)

  1. sudo apt-get install libgnome-keyring-dev
  2. sudo make --directory=/usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/
  3. git config --global credential.helper /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/git-credential-gnome-keyring

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Installing Spotify on Ubuntu

Not going to lie, music is a key part of my workflow these days and Spotify was a key player in that. I’m happy to say that they have a client for linux now and the setup is pretty straight forward.

  1. Go to Software and Updates again
  2. Go to the Other Software tab and click “Add Source”
  3. deb stable non-free and then click Add
  4. Open a terminal window.
  5. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 94558F59
  6. sudo apt-get update
  7. sudo apt-get install spotify-client
  8. You can now run spotify from the command line and then lock it to your toolbar. It’ll add a thing to your sound menu icon and it’s own menu icon so let’s get rid of the extra one. Unless you like the little green icon, but it’s really just extra considering you can control Spotify through the sound toolbar piece.
  9. wget -O...

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Getting Started (Git, Drivers, and Atom)

For me, once I’ve installed Ubuntu there’s a pretty straight line of things I need to do before I can actually get down to work. Some of these are completely dependent on whatever technlology you’re working with so I’m going to outline those in another post that’s basically just for my sanity.

Here’s my important working order.

  1. sudo apt-get install git
  2. After that installs, you can start pulling repos which takes awhile. Which is good because you’re going to have a little down time in this next step.
  3. Go to Software and Updates from your Unity search bar and get it to run the updates, this takes awhile. Unfortunately you can only be installing one thing at a time, which is the frustrating part about this initial setup. I also use this time to find a good background image and do any customizations that I like. I like a lot of the ones posted here on Wednesdays.
  4. After that’s finished...

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Install Ubuntu 14.04 (for idiots.)

About every month or so I decide to reinstall my operating system on my work computer. Sometimes this is because I’ve royally messed something, but it’s just as likely that I’m just bored. Anyways, soup to nuts, here’s what I do when I reinstall my operating system.

  1. Download the iso here.
  2. Burn this to a USB using Ubuntu’s Startup Disk Creator (instructions found here) or using the Universal USB Installer
  3. Plug that bad boy into your USB drive and boot. If you’re not set up to boot from a USB, press either F10, F12, or sometimes F8 (I’ve been known to mash all of them) to get to your boot menu. From there, select USB.
  4. Follow the standard install instructions, selecting to wipe whatever’s there (in my case)

And you’re done! That’s just the beginning though, once you finish the install things get much more complicated.

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